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 Attack Dex

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Mensagens : 53
Data de inscrição : 11/11/2011
Idade : 27
Localização : Campinas

Attack Dex Empty
MensagemAssunto: Attack Dex   Attack Dex Icon_minitimeQui Nov 17, 2011 1:10 pm

Acid ( Ácido )

Tipo: Poison
Categoria: Especial
PP: 30 ( 48 )
Power: 40
Precisão: 100%
Introduzido: Generation I
Categoria: Estágio Básico

Efeito: Acid causa dano, e tem 10% de chances de diminuir Special Defense do alvo em 1 nível na sua escala de multiplicação.

Quem aprende por Lv: Ekans Attack Dex 023MS
Arbok Attack Dex 024MS
Oddish Attack Dex 043MS
Gloom Attack Dex 044MS
Bellsprout Attack Dex 069MS
Weepinbell Attack Dex 070MS
Tentacool Attack Dex 072MS
Tentacruel Attack Dex 073MS
Lileep Attack Dex 345MS
Cradily Attack Dex 346MS

Seismitoad Attack Dex 537MS
Eelektrik Attack Dex 603MS
Eelektross Attack Dex 604MS

Shelmet Attack Dex 616MS

Quem aprende por Breeding: Cacnea Attack Dex 331MS
Shuckle Attack Dex 213MS
Litwick Attack Dex 607MS

Attack in the Game: Generation II Attack Dex Acid_II
Generation IV Attack Dex Acid_IV

Attack in the Mangá: Attack Dex 150px-Weepinbell_Gastro_Acid_Adventures

Attack in the Anime: Attack Dex Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSCpJPYZIcZdwDP5809Hkw7qXHxsSDmS4abUEwfsEyl0qXtoqpOqJWrL9RH
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Mensagens : 53
Data de inscrição : 11/11/2011
Idade : 27
Localização : Campinas

Attack Dex Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Attack Dex   Attack Dex Icon_minitimeQui Nov 17, 2011 1:11 pm

Nesse tópico eu irei colocar todos os Ataques de Pokémon. Colocarei o efeito do ataque , o tipo do ataque, o ''PP'' , a ''Power'' , a precisão, a categoria, a foto do ataque ( as vezes não será colocada a foto do ataque ) e quem aprende...

Isso irá servir muito ( Eu acho -q' ) pro Fórum. Tem muita gente colocando ataques que muitos Pokémons não aprendem, se eu fosse dar exemplos ficaria até semana que vem...

Mas é isso ae, vamos para o 1º Ataque da lista....( Só avisando que os ataques serão listados em ordem alfabética )

Absorb ( Absorver )

Tipo: Grass
Categoria: Especial
PP: 25 ( 40 )
Power: 20
Precisão: 100%
Introduzido: Generation I
Categoria: Estágio Básico

Efeito: Absorb causa dano. Metade do dano causado é então usada para restaurar HP do usuário.

Quem Aprende por Lv: Oddish Attack Dex 043MS
Gloom Attack Dex 044MS
Kabuto Attack Dex 140MS
Kabutops Attack Dex 141MS

Sunkern Attack Dex 191MS
Sunflora Attack Dex 192MS
Treecko Attack Dex 252MS
Grovyle Attack Dex 253MS
Sceptile Attack Dex 254MS
Beautifly Attack Dex 267MS
Lotad Attack Dex 270MS
Lombre Attack Dex 271MS
Shroomish Attack Dex 285MS
Breloom Attack Dex 286MS
Roselia Attack Dex 315MS
Cacnea Attack Dex 331MS
Cacturne Attack Dex 332MS
Turtwig Attack Dex 387MS
Grotle Attack Dex 388MS
Torterra Attack Dex 389MS
Budew Attack Dex 406MS
Tangrowth Attack Dex 465MS
Cottonee Attack Dex 546MS
Petilil Attack Dex 548MS
Maractus Attack Dex 556MS
Foongus Attack Dex 590MS
Amoonguss Attack Dex 591MS

Frillish Attack Dex 592MS
Jellicent Attack Dex 593MS

Quem aprende por evento: Phanpy Attack Dex 231MS

Attack in the Game: Generation II Attack Dex Absorb_II
Generation III Attack Dex 160px-Absorb_III
Generation IV Attack Dex Absorb_IV

Attack in the Mangá: Attack Dex 150px-Tangela_Constrict_Absorb_Adventures

Attack in the Anime: Attack Dex 150px-TangrowthUsingAbsorb

Acid Armor ( Armadura Ácida )

Tipo: Poison
Categoria: Suporte
PP: 40 ( 64 )
Power: --
Precisão: --
Introduzido: Generation I
Categoria: Estágio Básico

Efeito: Acid Armor aumenta Defense do usuário em 2 níveis na sua escala de multiplicação.

Quem aprende por Lv: Grimer Attack Dex 088MS
Muk Attack Dex 089MS
Vaporeon Attack Dex 134MS
Phione Attack Dex 489MS
Manaphy Attack Dex 490MS

Vanillite Attack Dex 582MS
Vanillish Attack Dex 583MS
Vanilluxe Attack Dex 584MS
Cryogonal Attack Dex 615MS

Shelmet Attack Dex 616MS

Quem aprende por Breeding: Slugma Attack Dex 218MS
Gulpin Attack Dex 316MS
Solosis Attack Dex 577MS
Frillish Attack Dex 592MS
Litwick Attack Dex 607MS

Attack in the Game: Generation II Attack Dex Acid_Armor_II
Generation III Attack Dex 160px-Acid_Armor_III
Generation IV Attack Dex Acid_Armor_IV

Attack in the Mangá: Attack Dex 150px-Vee_Vaporeon_Acid_Armor

Attack in the Anime: Attack Dex 150px-Vaporeon_disappear


Tipo: Normal
Categoria: Suporte
PP: 30 ( 48 )
Power: --
Precisão: --
Introduzido: Generation IV
Categoria: Estagio Básico

Efeito: Acupressure aumenta um atributo do usuário, escolhido aleatoriamente, em 2 níveis na sua escala de multiplicação.
Acupressure jamais escolherá atributos que não possam ser aumentados.

Quem aprende por Lv: Doduo Attack Dex 084MS
Dodrio Attack Dex 085MS

Skorupi Attack Dex 451MS
Drapion Attack Dex 452MS
Maractus Attack Dex 556MS

Quem aprende por Breeding: Tentacool Attack Dex 072MS
Shuckle Attack Dex 213MS
Croagunk Attack Dex 453MS

Attack in the Game: Generation IV Attack Dex 160px-Acupressure_IV
Generation V Attack Dex Acupressure

Aerial Ace ( Golpe Aéreo )

Tipo: Flying
Categoria: Físico
PP: 20 ( 32 )
Power: 60
Precisão: --
Introduzido: Generation III
Categoria: Estágio 1

Efeito: Aerial Ace causa dano, e possui precisão perfeita.

Quem aprende por Lv: Spearow Attack Dex 021MS
Fearow Attack Dex 022MS
Farfetch'd Attack Dex 083MS
Heracross Attack Dex 214MS
Taillow Attack Dex 276MS
Swellow Attack Dex 277MS
Wingull Attack Dex 278MS
Starly Attack Dex 396MS
Staravia Attack Dex 397MS
Staraptor Attack Dex 398MS
Ducklett Attack Dex 580MS
Swanna Attack Dex 581MS
Rufflet Attack Dex 627MS
Braviary Attack Dex 628MS

Quem aprende pelo TM 40: Charmander Attack Dex 004MS
Charmeleon Attack Dex 005MS
Charizard Attack Dex 006MS

Butterfree Attack Dex 012MS
Beedrill Attack Dex 015MS
Pidgey Attack Dex 016MS
Pidgeotoo Attack Dex 017MS
Pidgeot Attack Dex 018MS
Spearow Attack Dex 021MS
Fearow Attack Dex 022MS
Sandshrew Attack Dex 027MS
Sandslash Attack Dex 028MS

Nidoran ♀ Attack Dex 029MS
Nidorina Attack Dex 030MS
Nidoqueen Attack Dex 031MS
Zubat Attack Dex 041MS
Golbat Attack Dex 042MS

Paras Attack Dex 046MS
Parasect Attack Dex 047MS
Venomoth Attack Dex 049MS

Diglett Attack Dex 050MS
Dugtrio Attack Dex 051MS

Meowth Attack Dex 052MS
Persian Attack Dex 053MS

Psyduck Attack Dex 054MS
Golduck Attack Dex 055MS

Mankey Attack Dex 056MS
Primeape Attack Dex 057MS

Growlithe Attack Dex 058MS
Arcanine Attack Dex 059MS

Farfetch'd Attack Dex 083MS
Doduo Attack Dex 084MS
Dodrio Attack Dex 085MS
Cubone Attack Dex 104MS
Marowak Attack Dex 105MS

Kangaskhan Attack Dex 115MS
Scyther Attack Dex 123MS
Porygon Attack Dex 137MS
Kabuto Attack Dex 140MS
Kabutops Attack Dex 141MS
Aerodactyl Attack Dex 142MS

Articuno Attack Dex 144MS
Zapdos Attack Dex 145MS
Moltres Attack Dex 146MS
Dragonite Attack Dex 149MS
Mewtwo Attack Dex 150MS
Mew Attack Dex 151MS

Cyndaquil Attack Dex 155MS
Quilava Attack Dex 156MS
Typhlosion Attack Dex 157MS

Totodile Attack Dex 158MS
Croconaw Attack Dex 159MS
Feraligatr Attack Dex 160MS

Hoothoot Attack Dex 163MS
Noctowl Attack Dex 164MS
Ledyba Attack Dex 165MS
Ledian Attack Dex 166MS
Crobat Attack Dex 169MS
Togetic Attack Dex 176MS
Natu Attack Dex 177MS
Xatu Attack Dex 178MS
Hoppip Attack Dex 187MS
Skiploom Attack Dex 188MS
Jumpluff Attack Dex 189MS
Aipom Attack Dex 190MS
Yanma Attack Dex 193MS
Murkrow Attack Dex 198MS
Misdreavus Attack Dex 200MS
Gligar Attack Dex 207MS
Scizor Attack Dex 212MS
Heracross Attack Dex 214MS

Sneasel Attack Dex 215MS
Teddiursa Attack Dex 216MS
Ursaring Attack Dex 217MS

Delibird Attack Dex 225MS
Mantine Attack Dex 226MS
Skarmory Attack Dex 227MS
Porygon 2 Attack Dex 233MS
Hitmontop Attack Dex 237MS
Tyranitar Attack Dex 248MS
Lugia Attack Dex 249MS
Ho-Oh Attack Dex 250MS
Celebi Attack Dex 251MS
Treecko Attack Dex 252MS
Grovyle Attack Dex 253MS
Sceptile Attack Dex 254MS

Torchic Attack Dex 255MS
Combusken Attack Dex 256MS
Blaziken Attack Dex 257MS

Beautifly Attack Dex 267MS
Dustox Attack Dex 269MS
Shiftry Attack Dex 275MS
Taillow Attack Dex 276MS
Swellow Attack Dex 277MS
Wingull Attack Dex 277MS
Pelipper Attack Dex 279MS
Masquerain Attack Dex 284MS
Slakoth Attack Dex 287MS
Vigoroth Attack Dex 288MS
Slaking Attack Dex 289MS

Nincada Attack Dex 290MS
Ninjask Attack Dex 291MS
Shedinja Attack Dex 292MS

Sableye Attack Dex 302MS
Aron Attack Dex 304MS
Lairon Attack Dex 305MS
Aggron Attack Dex 306MS

Volbeat Attack Dex 313MS
Illumise Attack Dex 314MS
Flygon Attack Dex 330MS
Swablu Attack Dex 333MS
Altaria Attack Dex 334MS
Zangoose Attack Dex 335MS
Corphish Attack Dex 341MS
Craudawnt Attack Dex 342MS

Anorith Attack Dex 347MS
Armaldo Attack Dex 348MS

Kecleon Attack Dex 352MS
Tropius Attack Dex 357MS
Absol Attack Dex 359MS
Bagon Attack Dex 371MS
Shelgon Attack Dex 372MS
Salamence Attack Dex 373MS

Metang Attack Dex 375MS
Metagross Attack Dex 376MS

Latias Attack Dex 380MS
Latios Attack Dex 381MS

Groudon Attack Dex 383MS
Rayquaza Attack Dex 384MS
Jirachi Attack Dex 385MS
Deoxys( Normal Forme ) Attack Dex 386MS
Deoxys ( Attack Forme ) Attack Dex 386AMS
Deoxys ( Defense Forme ) Attack Dex 386DMS
Deoxys ( Speed Forme ) Attack Dex 386SMS

Chimchar Attack Dex 390MS
Monferno Attack Dex 391MS
Infernape Attack Dex 392MS

Piplup Attack Dex 393MS
Prinplup Attack Dex 394MS
Empoleon Attack Dex 395MS

Starly Attack Dex 396MS
Staravia Attack Dex 397MS
Staraptor Attack Dex 398MS
Kricketune Attack Dex 402MS
Mothim Attack Dex 414MS
Vespiquen Attack Dex 416MS

Ambipom Attack Dex 424MS
Mismagius Attack Dex 429MS
Honchkrow Attack Dex 430MS
Glameow Attack Dex 431MS
Purugly Attack Dex 432MS
Chatot Attack Dex 441MS

Gible Attack Dex 443MS
Gabite Attack Dex 444MS
Garchomp Attack Dex 445MS

Skorupi Attack Dex 451MS
Drapion Attack Dex 452MS
Mantyke Attack Dex 458MS
Weavile Attack Dex 461MS
Tangrowth Attack Dex 465MS
Togekiss Attack Dex 468MS
Yanmega Attack Dex 469MS
Leafeon Attack Dex 470MS
Gliscor Attack Dex 472MS
Porygon-Z Attack Dex 474MS
Gallade Attack Dex 475MS
Dialga Attack Dex 483MS
Palkia Attack Dex 484MS

Regigigas Attack Dex 486MS
Giratina ( Altered Forme ) Attack Dex 487MS
Giratina ( Original Forme ) Attack Dex 487OMS

Darkrai Attack Dex 491MS
Arceus Attack Dex 493MS
Snivy Attack Dex 495MS
Servine Attack Dex 496MS
Serperior Attack Dex 497MS

Oshawott Attack Dex 501MS
Dewott Attack Dex 502MS
Samurott Attack Dex 503MS

Lillipup Attack Dex 506MS
Herdier Attack Dex 507MS
Stoutland Attack Dex 508MS

Purrloin Attack Dex 509MS
Liepard Attack Dex 510MS

Pidove Attack Dex 519MS
Tranquill Attack Dex 520MS
Unfezant Attack Dex 521MS
Woobat Attack Dex 527MS
Swoobat Attack Dex 528MS
Drilbur Attack Dex 529MS
Excadrill Attack Dex 530MS

Leavanny Attack Dex 542MS
Krookodile Attack Dex 553MS
Dwebble Attack Dex 557MS
Crustle Attack Dex 558MS

Sigilyph Attack Dex 561MS
Archen Attack Dex 566MS
Archeops Attack Dex 567MS
Zorua Attack Dex 570MS
Zoroark Attack Dex 571MS

Ducklett Attack Dex 580MS
Swanna Attack Dex 581MS
Emolga Attack Dex 587MS
Karrablast Attack Dex 588MS
Escavalier Attack Dex 589MS
Ferrothrorn Attack Dex 598MS

Axew Attack Dex 610MS
Fraxure Attack Dex 611MS
Haxorus Attack Dex 612MS

Cubchoo Attack Dex 613MS
Beartic Attack Dex 614MS

Mienfoo Attack Dex 619MS
Mienshao Attack Dex 620MS

Druddigon Attack Dex 621MS
Pawniard Attack Dex 624MS
Bisharp Attack Dex 625MS

Bouffalant Attack Dex 626MS
Rufflet Attack Dex 627MS
Braviary Attack Dex 628MS

Vullaby Attack Dex 629MS
Mandibuzz Attack Dex 630MS
Heatmor Attack Dex 631MS
Durant Attack Dex 632MS
Volcarona Attack Dex 637MS

Cobalion Attack Dex 638MS
Terrakion Attack Dex 639MS
Virizion Attack Dex 640MS

Tornadus Attack Dex 641MS

Keldeo Attack Dex 647MS
Genesect Attack Dex 649MS

Attack in the Game: Generation IV Attack Dex 160px-Aerial_Ace_IV
Generation V Attack Dex Aerial_Ace

Attack in the Mangá: Attack Dex 150px-Rono_Pilo_Aerial_Ace

Attack in the Anime: Attack Dex 150px-Honchkrow_Aerial_Ace

Attack Dex 150px-Quilava_Aerial_Ace

Attack Dex 150px-Staravia_aerial_ace

Attack Dex 150px-Gabite_aerial_ace

Attack Dex 150px-Staraptor_Aerial_Ace

Attack Dex 150px-Leafeon_Aerial_Ace

Attack Dex 150px-Hatooboo_Aerial_Ace

Aeroblast ( Explosão Aérea )

Tipo: Flying
Categoria: Especial
PP: 5 ( 8 )
Power: 100
Precisão: 95%
Introduzido: Generation II
Categoria: Estágio 2

Efeito: Lança uma explosão aspirante. Tem alta taxa de acerto crítico

Quem aprende por Lv: Lugia Attack Dex 249MS

Attack in the Game: Generation II Attack Dex Aeroblast_II
Generation IV Attack Dex Aeroblast_IV

Attack in the Anime: Charging Up Attack Dex 150px-Lugia_Aeroblast

Multiple Beams Attack Dex 150px-Lugia_Aeroblast_start

The beams combine into one Attack Dex 150px-Lugia_Aeroblast_merge

Attack Dex 150px-Silver_mother_Aeroblast

Agility ( Agilidade )

Tipo: Psychic
Categoria: Suporte
PP: 30 ( 48 )
Power: --
Precisão: --
Introduzido: Generation I
Categoria: Estágio Básico

Efeito: Agility aumenta Speed do usuário em 2 níveis na sua escala de multiplicação

Quem aprende por Lv: Beedrill Attack Dex 015MS
Pidgey Attack Dex 016MS
Pidgeotoo Attack Dex 017MS
Pidgeot Attack Dex 018MS
Spearow Attack Dex 021MS
Fearow Attack Dex 022MS

Pikachu Attack Dex 025MS
Growlithe Attack Dex 058MS
Ponyta Attack Dex 077MS
Rapidash Attack Dex 078MS

Farfetch'd Attack Dex 083MS
Doduo Attack Dex 084MS
Dodrio Attack Dex 085MS

Hitmonchan Attack Dex 107MS
Horsea Attack Dex 116MS
Seadra Attack Dex 117MS
Goldeen Attack Dex 118MS
Seaking Attack Dex 119MS

Scyther Attack Dex 123MS
Jolteon Attack Dex 135MS
Porygon Attack Dex 137MS
Aerodactyl Attack Dex 142MS
Articuno Attack Dex 144MS
Zapdos Attack Dex 145MS
Moltres Attack Dex 146MS
Dratini Attack Dex 147MS
Dragonair Attack Dex 148MS
Dragonite Attack Dex 149MS

Feraligatr Attack Dex 160MS
Ledyba Attack Dex 165MS
Ledian Attack Dex 166MS
Spinarak Attack Dex 167MS
Ariados Attack Dex 168MS

Aipom Attack Dex 190MS
Girafarig Attack Dex 203MS

Scizor Attack Dex 212MS
Sneasel Attack Dex 215MS
Mantine Attack Dex 226MS
Skarmory Attack Dex 227MS
Kingdra Attack Dex 230MS
Porygon 2 Attack Dex 233MS
Hitmontop Attack Dex 237MS
Treecko Attack Dex 252MS
Grovyle Attack Dex 253MS
Sceptile Attack Dex 254MS

Taillow Attack Dex 276MS
Swellow Attack Dex 277MS

Wingull Attack Dex 278MS
Surskit Attack Dex 283MS

Ninjask Attack Dex 291MS
Plusle Attack Dex 311MS
Minum Attack Dex 312MS

Carvanha Attack Dex 318MS
Sharpedo Attack Dex 319MS
Gorebyss Attack Dex 368MS
Luvdisc Attack Dex 370MS

Metang Attack Dex 375MS
Metagross Attack Dex 376MS
Deoxys ( Speed Forme ) Attack Dex 386SMS

Starly Attack Dex 396MS
Staravia Attack Dex 397MS
Staraptor Attack Dex 398MS

Buizel Attack Dex 418MS
Floatzel Attack Dex 419MS

Ambipom Attack Dex 424MS
Buneary Attack Dex 427MS
Lopunny Attack Dex 428MS

Mantyke Attack Dex 458MS
Porygon-Z Attack Dex 474MS
Blitzle Attack Dex 522MS
Zebstrika Attack Dex 523MS

Venipede Attack Dex 543MS
Whirlpede Attack Dex 544MS
Scolipede Attack Dex 545MS

Archen Attack Dex 566MS
Archeops Attack Dex 567MS

Zorua Attack Dex 570MS
Zoroark Attack Dex 571MS

Emolga Attack Dex 587MS
Joltik Attack Dex 595MS
Galvantula Attack Dex 596MS

Accelgor Attack Dex 617MS
Durant Attack Dex 632MS

Tornadus Attack Dex 641MS
Thundurus Attack Dex 642MS

Quem aprende por Breeding: Paras Attack Dex 046MS
Venonat Attack Dex 048MS

Krabby Attack Dex 098MS
Hoothoot Attack Dex 163MS
Chinchou Attack Dex 170MS
Mareep Attack Dex 179MS
Aipom Attack Dex 190MS
Dunsparce Attack Dex 206MS

Gligar Attack Dex 207MS
Torchic Attack Dex 255MS
Wingull Attack Dex 278MS
Swablu Attack Dex 333MS
Piplup Attack Dex 393MS
Chatot Attack Dex 441MS
Riolu Attack Dex 447MS
Skorupi Attack Dex 451MS
Finneon Attack Dex 456MS
Sewaddle Attack Dex 540MS
Basculin ( Red - Striped ) Attack Dex 550MS
Deerling Attack Dex 585MS

Attack in the Game: Generation II Attack Dex Agility_II
Generation IV Attack Dex Agility_IV

Attack in the Anime: Attack Dex 150px-Dragonite_Agility

Attack Dex 150px-Farfetch%27d_Agility

Attack Dex 150px-Seadra_Agility

Attack Dex 150px-Ninjask_Agility

Air Cutter

Tipo: Flying
Categoria: Especial
PP: 25 ( 40 )
Power: 55
Precisão: 95%
Introduzido: Generation III
Categoria: Estágio 1

Efeito: Air Cutter causa dano. Pode causar um Critical Hit com mais facilidade do que o normal.

Quem aprende por Lv: Zubat Attack Dex 041MS
Golbat Attack Dex 042MS
Farfetch'd Attack Dex 083MS
Crobat Attack Dex 169MS
Skarmory Attack Dex 227MS
Pidove Attack Dex 519MS
Tranquill Attack Dex 520MS
Unfezant Attack Dex 521MS
Woobat Attack Dex 527MS
Swoobat Attack Dex 528MS
Sigilyph Attack Dex 561MS
Tornadus Attack Dex 641MS

Quem aprende por Breeding: Pidgey Attack Dex 016MS
Chatot Attack Dex 441MS
Ducklett Attack Dex 580MS

Quem aprende por Evento: Butterfree Attack Dex 012MS
Mantine Attack Dex 226MS

Attack in the Game: Generation III Attack Dex 160px-Air_Cutter_III
Generation IV Attack Dex 160px-Air_Cutter_IV
Generation V Attack Dex Air_Cutter

Attack in the Mangá: Attack Dex 150px-Skarmory_Air_Cutter_Adventures

Attack in the Anime: Attack Dex 150px-Golbat_air_cutter

Attack Dex 150px-Pidove_Air_Cutter
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